Faith Formation classes are now in session!
Attending Mass is a key part of the program.
Parents, please sign your child’s name in the book after Mass. Confirmation students can sign for themselves. This helps keep the line moving. Homeschooling families, turning in your work in the bins after Mass will record your attendance.
For your convenience, the calendar is available on both parish websites. Please contact Mary Ann Prunier with any questions at 508-964-3411 or email [email protected]
The Diocese of Fall River requires that all persons aged 18 and older must be approved by the Office of Safe Environment prior to ministering, working, or volunteering in parishes in the diocese. You can read more about it on our parish website - under the “MINISTRY” tab you will find “Safe Environment for Ministries” as well as “FAQ’s About the Essential Three”. There is a downloadable document available for your convenience, or you may use the link to the Diocese Safe Environment website.
The information for those needing to renew their compliance is also available on the downloadable document on parish website. If you have any questions or need any assistance completing this requirement prior to serving in your parish ministry.
Call Maureen Brawley, the Safe Environment Compliance Coordinator, thank you for your service to our parish! [email protected]